Wednesday, March 9, 2011


These may be unusual photographs to begin a story, but they have been a big part in putting new life back into the searching of my family roots . It began a while ago with two strangers finding out that they have a common relative through the website They become genealogy pals compare notes and add members to their trees. My new relative, Phillip is involved with a project website. This project is called “Find a”. Volunteers around the world go to cemeteries and photograph grave sites and add their photographs and information to the site. Phillip has been doing this for sometime now, and has put quite a few of our relatives online.
Recently a “new” relative from Bavaria, unknown to myself and to Phillip, came upon Find a Grave, and found my grandparents site. Curious, he emailed Phillip and asked if John Beck was his relative. Phillip replied, no, John Beck wasn't, but he knows one of John's relatives and gave Franz my email address. Franz, cautiously emailed me, not knowing how I would respond. It seems the stories he was told of our family were that of a father and a son not talking to each other, a father who did not acknowledge his son's existence. All I knew of our families was that Grandpa didn't mention his parents much and his father spoke German. In our first few emails exchanges, I found Franz to be a little cautious ; very polite and personable young man. He didn't want to be rude to me and over step his bounds, when asking questions about his American relatives, he never has. I eagerly look forward to his responses in order to learn more of my German family, I always look forward to hearing from him. Franz's reaching out has led me to get to know two more of my German relatives, one of his uncles and a cousin of his.
Franz's and the others emails have prompted me to go back to and renew my quest to find my roots and family history. Through these searches I've found three relatives – two new cousins and the reconnection with another.
Over a relatively short period of time, I feel that all of these people are friends and family, and that I am quite lucky to have them in my life.