This story was essentially written by my Dad through his photographs. Dad served from 1953-54. These are and were his "Brothers in Arms". These are just some of the slides and photos taken by him. This is a glimpse of how the Korean Conflict was seen by one soldier - my dad.
Even through this is a longer video I hope you take the time to watch it. At about the 4:15 mark there's a picture of my dad and his friend Bill Borman. This was taken by my godfather Harry Berth; dad and Bill just got back in from the field after being lost behind enemy lines for a couple of days.
On July 14th 1953 my dad's home base was hit by "friendly fire", they lost all of their possessions. Most of the men escaped major harm, my dad was seriously injured in the face by shrapnel - but returned to duty. Three men were lost.
The photographs were taken by dad after that attack, he used that camera for most of his life.