Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Stella Who??

Left to right - Louise Luetzow Beck, Ray Luetzow, Stella

Who is Stella?   

 Is she a relative or a friend? Stella has become one of my new puzzles.  I have three last names for Stella. They are Bienlein, Rose and Benthien. On these two photos Grandma Beck has the last name Bienlein written behind Stella's first name. On the last photo, Grandma has the last name of Benthien as Stella's last name.  What I do know is that from an early age Grandma and Stella spent a lot of time together, also from the photos, Stella looks to be about the same age as Grandma, which would make Stella's birth year about 1903 plus or minus three years.
Left to right -  Louise Luetzow Beck, Ray Luetzow, Stella
The Beinleins and Roses are cousins of mine who lived in Grafton, WI from the late 1800's until present day.  Stella Rose lived next door to a cousin in Grafton, and although Louise and Ray Luetzow lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin they did spent time with their cousins.   Stella Benthien, did live close to Louise and they could have been best friends, who lost contact after marriages. In the bottom photo Louise (right) and Stella (left) appear to be wearing school uniforms. Louise did attend school in Milwaukee and graduated as a milliner, maybe Stella did too.
So far, Stella's puzzle has connected me to another cousin, so thank you Stella for that.
Stella on left, Louise is on the right
My hope with this blog post is that someone who knew Stella, recognizes her and can solve the Stella puzzle.