Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Musicians

The Musicians

Let me introduce you to the members of the band: left to right - on the violin, Jack Burger Sr; clarinet - George Beck; on the button accordion - George Burger, the mandolin is played by John C Beck and the guitar by Ray Luetzow.

This was taken in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I'm not sure what year, but grandpa Beck looks like he is in his twenties, so this was about 1910-1929.
I had been hoping to write a great story about the musicians, in this photo, but sadly all I could find out is what I already knew - their names.

Through my genealogy research, I have found a couple of other talented individuals on the Luetzow side of the family.

On the Piekarski side of the family, I wish I could say that I inherited some of those talents, but I did not. I only really know of two.  One of my brothers, who played guitar as a child - I don't know if he still does, and my sister.  My sister still pursues her love of music.  My sister plays several instruments and sings. She started writing songs when she was 10.  Her early influences were folk and bluegrass. Life has taken her to a Christian Faith and country influence.  She isn't published yet but is a member of NSAI or Nashville songwriters association international.

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